Friday, September 5, 2008

One Last Hoorah before school

Labor Day Weekend. We knew that his would be the last opportunity for the kids to have fun before school started. We spent Saturday night up north at Grandma and Grandpas farm. They own 40 acres of farmland and let us tear it up with our quads. Recently, Grandpa has brought chickens, bunnies and turkeys to the farm. …. It’s a real petting zoo in their backyard.
And on Sunday, we went to Cousin MacKenzies 9th birthday party. Seems like just yesterday that her & Kristian were the lonesome two. Now there are five! I love having my Brother and sister in law close by. They just moved home from Arizona – and we love their kids, just like they were my own . The making of memories by spending birthdays and holiday with my nieces and nephews is priceless. My kids and our family love it.

So, If I can ever figure out how to upload the pictures so that they post in chronological order - I'll do it. But for now, you're getting all of my favorite pictures from this event, in whatever order they show up! Deal with it.

Romyn Sky. She is my newest neice. My brother now has 3 kids. And I LOVE her.
Auntie Erin and Baby Romyn.
My Punk ass Brother.
Nana, a.k.a., My Mom & Lily Rose (I Love her too.)
Jim loves babies too. I don't know what it is, but we can't get enough!

Little Miss Birthday Girl - too cute!

An extra special balloon for the Birthday Girl! What is it?


Upside Down Cake!

This is my Nephew/Our Cousin: Dane. For some reason, we called him "Baby Dane" when he was born. Now, he insists:I NOT A BABY! I A BIG BOY!

I make 'toot' noises on my arm.


  1. Friend Smelly! Cute Pictures! But how did your punk ass brother get such a cute wife? I don't understand it!?!
    To get the pictures in order or different places from how they upload you just click and drag them :0)
    Baby Dane is cute ... I'm a little worried with that mohawk he may be following in your brother's footsteps! Help us!

  2. This is so great!!! I love being able to see the kids and activities this way. What a deal!

    I guess I should do the same here, for our family events on this side...maybe I'll start with our October get-togethers. ;-)

    Especially with that picture of Jim holding little Romyn, I could see the very definite kinship between her and Miss Lily. All the kids are totally adorable.

    Thanks so much, once again, for sharing (and for the lovely music, too)! :-)


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